$100 Handgun was a three-piece rock outfit from Lowell, Indiana. Founding members Greg Llewellyn and Jason Powell have been collaborating since 1995, recording often but rarely playing live. $100 Handgun came to life with the addition of Ron Hatch on drums. Together, Greg Llewellyn and Jason Powell created the Little Montana Records record label with a homegrown grass roots approach. Greg and Jason also recorded music as The Olympic Hopefuls. Greg is also in the bands FM Fiction and Heretical.Symphonic (formely known as Muzzleloader). Jason records music under the names Hello Cowboy and Jim Canyon.
FM Fiction, Heretical.Symphonic, Muzzleloader, Little Montana Records (featuring releases by Jim Canyon and Hello Cowboy), and The Olympic Hopefuls each have their own pages here on Musical Family Tree.