Shady Grove String Band

Adlie "Ark" Hedges - Fiddle, Vocal Janan Naumcheff Bultman - Guitar, Vocal John Bultman - Banjo, Dulcimer, Autoharp Tom Lyons - Guitar, Vocal David Blimm - String Bass, Vocal Ron Beach - Dobro, Guitar, Vocal
Gathered from VINYL artwork: Programme Audio Records #022779 Stereo All Songs recorded in 1979 at Programme Audio, "Studio A" 102 E. Main Greenfield, IND. 46140 Produced by Dave Scott Engineer... Tim Padrick For Bookings -- The Music Room -- 1710 W. University Ave. Muncie IN. 47303



4 songs

Another Round
Shady Grove
Highway of Regret
Runnin' The Levee