I got my first guitar at the age of 15 and started learning cover songs to "impress the ladies". The guitar cost $15 and was in some pretty bad shape. I would play on and off for the next few years never really putting all my effort into learning how to actually play. Then one Christmas I received a brand new yamaha acoustic guitar. I took to playing a little more seriously but still was only learning covers and only playing songs for my friends and family. In the cold winter months of 2011 my best friend took me to see a local show in Fort Wayne. I had never even been to a show at this point. There were four artists playing that night and everything about them absolutely blew me away. I saw not only a group of friends gathered together to listen to each others music, but a community of musicians there to support one another. I was drawn to that feeling of belonging and wanted to start writing right away. So I went home and began that night. I started out by playing open mic nights at coffee shops and by sampling original songs for friends. This went on for a while, and exactly one year later I was back at that exact venue where it all started playing with a few of the people who inspired me to write music in the first place. I released my first album "Hope Dont Float" for free on band camp so people who wanted to continue to listen to me could. I kept on playing and building friendships wherever I went. After a while I knew that I needed an album that sounded more professional. I had spoke with Robert Lugo at DBB Records about recording, but unfortunately was too broke at the time to be able to afford to record a full album. Not wanting to give up, I started a kickstarter to raise money to fund the album. The kickstarter goal was met within a month and I was off to the studio. Over the next several months Robert Lugo and I worked hard to produce the album which is titled "Limits". It is one of the first full length albums that I am truly proud to call mine. There isn't a single song on the album that sounds the same which I believe makes for a great listen. As for the future, who knows what it will hold.