Rev Peyton's Big Damn Band


The Rev. Peyton - National Guitar/Flat Top Gibson, Washboard Breezy Peyton - Washboard, Jayme Peyton - Drums The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band is not your typical BLUES band. The live show is amazing, intense and to quote the Colorado Springs Independent "caused a woman who was crippled for years, climb out of her wheel chair and dance. (true story)" Cincinnati's City Beat calls it "a rousing, hyper and authentic brand of Blues that sounds like what might come out of that secret meth lab nestled deep in the backwaters of the Mississippi Delta." With only ordained minister, Kentucky Colonel, and wildman virtuoso The Rev. Peyton up front on the national guitar, his wife the lovely and equally insane Washboard Breezy, and little brother Jayme Peyton keeping time on the kick and snare, this is a band that somehow crosses the barriers between indie rock/punk rock kids, hipsters and the traditional blues fans.


Big Damn Nation

1 songs

My Old Man Boogie


1 songs

Pork Chop Biscuit