Missing Six


Original vocalist and Guitarist Ed Hatfield (also originally the drummer) met the singer, Brian Kremer, in Bloomington, Indiana in 2002. They moved to Indianapolis where the burgeoning music scene provided a fertile breeding ground for their ideas. The popular online music scene website, Indianapolismusic.net, provided the connection they needed to find other musicians. They soon met Bassist and Vocalist Eric Evans and started to make music together with guitarist Trevor Wathen The band worked with producer Paul Mahern on their debut album, The Philadelphia Experiment, but catastrophe struck when the lead singer left the band right after the CD was released in 2003 rendering the recordings somewhat obsolete. Ed moved from the drums to the front of the stage taking over guitar and vocal duties and Indianapolismusic.net provided yet another connection with accomplished session drummer, Phil Milam who happens to be 90% blind. One more line-up change came with the loss of Trevor Wathen to Extra Blue Kind. In 2006, vocalist/guitarist Ed Hatfield decided to leave Missing Six to pursue a career in film leaving Eric Evans to fill the lead vocalist slot. The current line-up includes Eric Evans on Vocals/Bass, Phil Milam/Drums accompanied by rotating line-up of guitarists, saxaphone and keyboards players.


Loose Yourself

4 songs

The Man That Time Forgot
The Retreat