Logan X

Logan X
Logan X is Sam Braverman. Sam Braverman is Logan X. All Instruments, Lyrics, and Concept by Sam Braverman A Mama Coco's Funky Kitchen Song-Cycle. Surf's Up. Logan X is the music for when the rug is pulled out under you and life begins. When everything you thought was okay suddenly wasn't, this music was born. When you walk through your hometown after months or years away and don't feel like it's home anymore, when you get a haircut then see yourself in a mirror for the first time, when you see the girl, that is Logan X. Since the first session in March of 2013, Logan has been refining and recording a song cycle about the extremes of persona. This is a record about picking up the pieces, leaving parts of yourself behind, keeping only those X's which define us. The live Logan X performing lineup is constantly in flux since all instrumental parts on the record are composed and performed by Logan and nobody wants to go see one guy looping eight tracks from a computer just to hear something close to what's on the record. This is rock 'n' roll, 10 songs, one story, endless interpretations. The record will be released when it's ready, until then keep your eyes peeled for the Indiana Single Series coming soon...



2 songs

Hood (Perfume Genius Low-Fi Hoedown)