“ Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, put your hands together for Stuart, Adrian, Franklin and Bullfrog... THE FINAL HURRAHS! ”
{crowd roars}
Before all that, there was trading MP3s at the skatepark.
It’s a story as old as rock & roll itself. A band of boys meets at school under a full moon while a cold wind blows and a distant howl rings through the night… Alright, so it’s not that mythical. Hey, they’re four neighborhood buds from Bricktown USA, friends since before they can remember.
They’re what you call all-around boys. Working hard and playing harder. Soccer is for fun, not for trophies. Bikes. Treasure maps. Video games. “Let’s figure it out!” is the motto. And so these guys figured out that the best way to figure out how to be a band was to each figure out how to play an instrument—at the same time. Four times the adventure. Four times the wonder. Four times the fun and four times the friendship.
They get together and bash out next week's group project for science class, and then they bash out a song. And then another song. And then one more. All that bashing, and the glorious sound that is The Final Hurrahs was born. (And whaddaya know, they sound kinda great.) (This is the part of the story where you might ask, "Wait, wait, wait, waaaaiiiit a minute. The Final Hurrahs? What happened to The Good Ones? Well, as they say on the social networks, it's complicated. But sometimes when a band is starting out, they change their name. These days, The Good Ones is a clothing company, and The Final Hurrahs are a band.)
Numero One The debut album from The Final Hurrahs, the official band of The Good Ones Clothing Company.
For more information, including videos, tour blog and all kinds of freebies, check out www.thegoodones.com.
All songs written by Thunderhawk.