Creepin' Charley and The Boneyard Orchestra

Andy Fark - Drums, Shelby Kelley - Lead Vocals, Megaphone, Eric Grimmitt - Guitar, Chad Pollock - Electric Bass

Andy Fark - DrumsShelby Kelley - Lead Vocals, MegaphoneEric Grimmitt - GuitarChad Pollock - Electric Bass

"There's a sucker being born right now."

It can be a glorious and frightening moment when you realize that what you once thought was yours now belongs to someone else. History has demonstrated that tradition outlives the trend, there is no doubt, but you will have to beat it back in order to get up and over that hill, and progress knows there's a fine line between building on what has already been established and merely aping your heroes. Sometimes these distinctions are made after the fact, while other times it's immediately obvious that a simple, universal truth can be translated and expanded upon in a manner that is steady with tradition while proving to be in step with what is currently evident.

Relaying that truth through such a complex milieu requires a unique balance such as this, and the value of its transmission should not be underestimated. It's in the ability to distinguish the wisdom handed down from those who have blazed the trail and returned to tell the tale; and it's in the ability to comprehend that a broken heart and a cold bottle have as much in common today as they did two hundred years ago.

"Well, I've seen better days than these but I'm not cryin'."

Indianapolis can be a lonely place on a Saturday night, and it's only Tuesday morning. Anyone who has ever spent any time in this slim state can bear witness. Still, there's a distinct brand of detachment that floats through the air and binds to the elements. It's a dreamer's rapture, and the participants who set out to sustain such lucidity while implying any delusions of celebrity and wealth usually land anywhere but the balls of their feet.

Shelby Kelley (vocals) started writing songs a couple of years ago with little or no objective other than to document the observations he had made and maybe blow off a little steam in the process. With the aid of Jeff Kleindorfer (guitar) and friends, he put together the Rattlin' Bones EP with little or no hoopla outside a circle of peers.

While the majority of Indianapolis bands where either caught up in the dead weight of dude rock hybridizing or swept away with sub-genre tardspeak in attempt to highlight any insignificant difference that might dimly appear to set them apart, the Rattlin' Bones EP provided a unique interpretation of what had been floating by the portal and began attracting the attention of all sorts of distinguished musicians throughout the city who were clamoring to get involved. It was around this time that bassist Chad Pollock approached Kelley about putting together a band that would serve as a vehicle for the songs. With the addition of Andy Fark on drums (and eventually Eric Grimmitt on guitar), the Boneyard Orchestra became a working model that would soon hit the streets.

The interim has been spent writing, shaping, arranging, mending, and bending; trying to get to the heart of the song, both in front in of audience and while the red light is on.

"Come down on some trailor park on Highway 65"

Sometimes the demons move us to find refuge outside the row. We've got bleeding heads, broken hearts, aliens, barflies, peepshows, Downtown Debbies, cash cows, devils, hookers, pistols, pimps and hookers. It ain't easy out here on the back roads, but that's where the animals come alive. That's where you find the monuments that work their magic. It's in the beat of the traps, the rope of the bass, the coils of the guitar, and the words that roll right off the tongue.

Creepin' Charley's comes from that place. They have observed and experienced the psychic wounds and triumphant joys and are here to pass along these tales as an idiosyncratic gesture because intuition indicates that survival will continue to benefit from such things.


4 Song Comp

4 songs

01 Go-Go Baby
02 Up Jumped The Devil
03 Room 303 (live at Weem)
04 Downtown